- 都市、建築、インテリア、ランドスケープ、住宅、イベント・展示会など、光環境全般について。
- コンセプトデザイン、基本設計、実施設計、現場監理など、各フェーズに対応いたします。
- 設計者様のトータルサポートや監修など。
- 省エネ化や照明に関わるコストの調整など、部分的な内容にも対応いたします。
Lighting Design
Toh Design works with the overall lighting environment in a variety of settings, including: urban, architecture, interior, landscape, private homes, events, exhibitions, etc. Each design phase from the concept design, schematic design, design development, and finally, site supervision are all fully supported by Toh Design.
Lighting Consulting
Toh Design lends total support and supervision to the architectural design team concerning energy conservative design ideas, adjusting running costs, and other areas specific to each project.
Environmental Survey and Analysis
Coordination of light fixtures and new business development